Our solutions

Optimize your strategy with our data offers

Protect what's most important to you, in every sense of the word. Explore our customized data services, designed to boost your business strategy. Our data solutions enable you to optimize your performance. Discover how our data expertise can propel your business to success.

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Data consulting
Data Lake
Data marketing

Data consulting

Data analysis and organization: Ecosystem audit, strategy implementation, recommendations on architecture, technologies and tools.  

Define the roadmap for your data strategy.

Cyllene's Data Consulting offer helps you build comprehensive data roadmaps to unify your data chain and serve all your business needs.

Identify and organize data

Improve your competitiveness with a data audit. Detect the Data and AI opportunities present in your businesses and activities and formalize the corresponding objectives.

membre Cylene travaillant autour d'un ordinateur

Data Lake

Visualization and reporting: architecture and hosting, data organization, integration and interfacing, Data Quality dimensions.

Make the right decisions

You thought you knew your customers by heart? Cyllene's Data Lake offer will prove you wrong and give you a real competitive edge!

Our solution consists in collecting, deciphering and analyzing heterogeneous data to bring to the surface strategic information that will help you make the right decisions.

Collect, sort, organize

The right information, at the right time. Using processes, algorithms and scientific systems, we produce methods for sorting and analyzing mass data from more or less complex sources, in order to extract high value-added information.

Tableau de bord sur ordinateur

Data marketing

Delivery and interpretation of results: implementation of PRM/CRM strategies for lead acquisition, CRM campaign management.

Reach your target audience with a personalized experience.

It's great that your company generates data. But how do you use it to reach your target audience?

The Data Marketing offer analyzes your data with the aim of increasing customer knowledge, understanding, anticipating and predicting your consumers' expectations before they take action, and thus adapting your marketing strategy.

Ensemble de documentation et analyse de chiffre
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Optimize your data with our dedicated Audit

Explore the power of your data with our dedicated Audit, identifying optimization opportunities to strengthen your strategic impact. Our precise approach guides you towards maximum utilization of your data resources, propelling your company towards operational excellence.

See all audits

Maximize your performance with our customized data solution.

The key role of data in your company's decision-making process

Data-driven information plays an essential role in understanding how a company operates. It offers valuable insights into past, present and potential performance. By harnessing data through professional analysis, companies can scrutinize trends, spot connections and patterns, and anticipate opportunities as well as risks. They can also assess the effectiveness of strategies implemented, and measure the impact of decisions taken. Readmore

The absence of data would force companies to base their decisions solely on hunches and guesses, which can lead to imprecise and inefficient results.Optimize your future strategies with Cyllene experts, a tailored offer for your data needs.

The benefits of data analysis.

Data analysis, commonly referred to as Data Analytics, is a competitive advantage for companies, enabling them to make informed decisions based on facts rather than assumptions. What's more, it helps identify opportunities for improvement and optimization, while anticipating customer needs and behaviors. In short, data analysis enables companies to boost their operational efficiency and stay at the forefront of the market. Which data service should I use to optimize my strategy?

To optimize your strategy, Cyllene offers several data packages to meet your needs. Data Consulting - Data Analysis and Organization. Our Data Consulting offer focuses on auditing your data ecosystem, developing strategies and recommending architectures, technologies and tools adapted to your needs. Cyllene can help you build comprehensive data roadmaps to harmonize your data chain and meet your business needs.

Data Lake - Visualization and Reporting

With architecture creation, hosting, data organization and complete integration, our Data Lake offer provides an in-depth view of your customers, enabling informed decision-making.

Data Intelligence - Flow Management

Our Business Intelligence helps you turn data into knowledge, offering advanced datavisualization tools to extract key performance indicators, enabling you to make strategic decisions and improve operational efficiency.

Data Marketing - Delivering and interpreting results

To reach your target audience, our Data Marketing offer interprets your data to increase customer knowledge and adapt your marketing strategy.

Personalized Assistance

Our Customer Partner Unit offers tailor-made support, assigning a dedicated contact person to facilitate communication, provide strategic advice, as well as activity reports and key indicators. Cyllene's various offerings are designed to meet your data needs and help you optimize your business strategy.

Using data to guide decisions

Valuing data has proven to be indispensable for corporate decision-making, providing an objective and reliable basis. It enables more informed choices to be made, evaluating growth opportunities, assessing potential risks and optimizing internal processes, thereby reducing costs and stimulating innovation.

By enabling more informed decisions, data is used to maintain market competitiveness, anticipate trends and assess performance. Its analysis promotes greater operational efficiency, giving a considerable advantage to companies that rely on artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation to make the most of this valuable resource. This turning point in the use of data promises a promising future for companies capable of using it intelligently and strategically.

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