Our infrastructure solutions

Management, support and optimization of your infrastructures for a comprehensive approach

With Cyllene, you'll find everything you need to simplify the management of your IT infrastructure. Discover our expert services.

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Deployment and optimization

Cyllene vous propose des architectures nouvelles générations pour libérer vos systèmes d’information et délivrer vos collaborateurs.

Nos équipes conçoivent, déploient et optimisent vos infrastructures pour vos besoins à court et long terme. Nos experts certifiés vous permettent notamment une transition en douceur vers l’hybridation multi-cloud avec nos services Alter. L’évolutivité, la flexibilité, la performance, la protection et la résilience sont les moteurs des infrastructures modernes et agiles d’aujourd’hui.

Nos spécialistes sont au cœur de vos enjeux technologiques, humains, financiers et réglementaires (GDPR, DORA, NIS…).

Un système d’information sans limite

Cyllene Infrastructure 360° est l’offre adaptée aux architectures ouvertes, sécurisées et adaptatives actuelles.

La solution mise en place est validée par les leaders technologiques du marché et les licornes du futur pour créer, moderniser et optimiser les systèmes d’informations des entreprises.

L’offre Infrastructure 360° de Cyllene prend en charge toutes les étapes pour définir vos solutions, de l’audit et analyse des besoins jusqu’au maintien en condition opérationnelle.

Conseil et services

  • Design d’architecture

  • Audit et analyse

  • Migration & Optimisation de SI

Infrastructure visuelle

  • Architecture Virtualisée VMWare & Hyper-V

  • Solution SDWAN & SDN

  • Software Defined DataCenter

Solutions New Gen

  • Hyper Converged Infrastructure (HCI)

  • Disaggregated Hyper Converged Infrastructure

  • Scale Out Infrastructure

Cloud Services

  •  Alterbackup sauvegarde et externalisation en ligne

  • Alterstor stockage multi protocoles en ligne

  • Hybridation Azure, AWS

Solution de backup

  • Hyperconverged Backup

  • Hybrid Cloud Backup

  • Modern Backup solution

Data Management

  • Stockage SAN, NAS & Objet

  • Cloud Defined storage

  • Software Defined Storage

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ensemble de composant électronique

IT asset management

Optimize your company's performance with Cyllene's expert IT asset management. Our dedicated team automates and manages your IT equipment.

Automation and management of your computer equipment

AlterParc is a solution that allows you to manage your fixed and mobile IT equipment, whether they are used on your site or while travelling. It lets you fully automate the management of your computer equipment, whether it is for distribution of a simple configuration or a mass deployment of applications.

AlterParc is a solution that allows you to manage your fixed and mobile IT equipment, whether they are used on your site or while travelling. It lets you fully automate the management of your computer equipment, whether it is for distribution of a simple configuration or a mass deployment of applications.

It is a genuine centralized management platform, which allows you to standardize configurations, disseminate a security policy, deploy documents and updates, but also geolocate your mobile devices or erase confidential data in case of loss or theft.

Asset management

  • Management of your IT equipment 

  • Collection of information (hardware and software) 

  • License compliance and verification of guarantee 

  • Use rate of software and detection of unlawful access 

Management of patches

  • Automated deployment of patches 

  • Windows and Mac security threats protection 

  • Optimization of your system’s performance  

  • Response to malicious attacks 

Windows Configurations

  • Application of standard configuration 

  • Full automation of your workstation 

  • Detailed audit of your computer equipment 

  • Multi-network architecture 

Mobile device management

  • Configured and secure personal/professional devices 

  • Policy for access to company resources 

  • Remote blocking to prevent leakage of your data 

  • Deletion of all or part of the data if needed  


Towards a Green IT process

  • Efficient energy management by profiles 

  • Programmed stoppage of inactive machines 

  • Detailed reports on the duration of machine use 

Monitoring of USB peripherals

  • Restricted and monitored USB peripherals 

  • Definition of a security policy for users and workstations 

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photographie d'un parc IT


Secure your data with Cyllene's outsourced backup solution. Our service guarantees complete protection, giving our customers total peace of mind. In the event of an incident, your backup is in safe hands with Cyllene, ensuring rapid and efficient recovery of your infrastructure.

Put your data in a safe place

AlterBackup is the solution for protecting and safeguarding your IT environments. The space we offer is fully secure and certified, using entirely rational hybrid storage technology. The solution allows you to save on a sizeable investment in safeguards without sacrificing security, thanks to its fully flat-rate formula.

When faced with disasters and unplanned production stoppages, AlterBackup guarantees you outsourcing of your critical data. We ensure replication of your information system to implement a disaster recovery plan (DRP) in our Data Centers

Our Commitments and advantages for you

Our hybrid storage solution offers a number of advantages, including :

  • Hybrid solution: private/public Cloud 

  • Flat-rate solution for one or more users 

  • Data located in France 

  • HDS, RGPD, ISO27001 and Green IT certified 

  • No additional equipment purchase necessary  

  • Autonomous end user 

  • Rationalization of your IT system costs 

  • Rapid configuration 

  • Improve your ROI 

With AlterBackup, your working environment is now automatically under control.

Respect for fundamental guarantees: Availability, total control, absolute confidentiality, and exclusive ownership of your data.

Backup and restoration

A dedicated backup solution, with scheduled and daily backups of your data to guarantee user and administrator access to their data. Benefit from a Disaster Recovery Plan.

Centralized management & security

Centralized management console and full visibility of how the backup and restore service is being used via detailed reports and notifications. An optimized, simple data protection solution that's up and running fast.

Cloud Connected

Back up your Microsoft 365 environments locally or in the cloud. STOP accidental deletions, corruption and malicious intent.

Comprehensive care

Support for network-attached storage (NAS) servers, virtualization and industry-standard applications.

Certification & compliance

Cyllene is one of the few operators in France to hold certification for NetApp's StorageGrid integration technology.

HDS certified, we meet the legal and compliance requirements to which backup and archiving targets are subject.

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membre cyllene travaillant sur ordinateur

Externalisez la gestion de votre infrastructure

La diversification, la complexification ou l’hybridation des écosystèmes numériques de votre entreprise, obligent votre support infrastructure à maîtriser toujours plus de technologies différentes et, à faire face à un nombre croissant de demandes, parfois avec des contraintes budgétaires et des limitations de ressources.

Garantissez la disponibilité constante de vos infrastructures et applications

Avec la solution « B-Zen » libérez vous des tâches chronophages liées au support et au maintien opérationnel de vos infrastructures. Profitez d’une offre externalisée avec un point de contact unique. Nos experts certifiés assurent une résolution rapide de vos requêtes, avec une supervision proactive 24/7 pour garantir une qualité de service conforme à des SLA rigoureux, minimisant ainsi l’impact des incidents et les risques.


Notre solution, résolument centrée infrastructure, permet une gestion centralisée de la MCO et une haute disponibilité de vos SI

Profitez d’une supervision continue en français, d’un suivi opérationnel avec des reportings précis, d’une gestion proactive et d’une maintenance préventive, réalisée par des experts certifiés par nos partenaires éditeurs et constructeurs.

Supervision & pilotage du SI

Nos experts certifiés assurent la disponibilité et la performance de vos architectures 24h/24 7j/J

  • Mesure de la disponibilité et la performance de votre SI

  • Visualisation de votre parc informatique et réception d’alertes en temps réel

  • Anticipation des pannes avec une planification proactive de la maintenance

  • Accès à vos suivis d’incidents sur une interface de pilotage

  • Réduction des risques en détectant les éventuels dysfonctionnements par une analyse continue et une résolution proactive

Suivi opérationnel, exploitation & administration

Nos experts assurent le suivi quotidien et les demandes d’administration de vos équipes DSI. Nous prenons en charge la supervision des incidents, la déclaration, le suivi et l’escalade vers les supports constructeurs ou éditeurs en place :

  • Surveillance centralisée de vos infrastructures et applications

  • Paramétrage, création de ressources nouvelles et modification de celles existantes

  • Exécution de procédures de reprise sur incident en cas de détection d’alerte ou de dysfonctionnement (y compris plan de remédiation et de cyber résilience)

  • Maintien en condition opérationnel (MCO)


Nos spécialistes produisent et délivrent des rapports détaillés, assurant une visibilité claire sur les conditions opérationnelles et l’état de vos services et infrastructures, pour informer efficacement votre DSI.

  • Weather forecast for IT services

  • Tableaux de bord personnalisés et sécurisés

  • Suivi des SLA et analyses décisionnelles et fonctionnelles

Support & Maintenance

Cyllene met en place un point de contact IT unique pour toutes vos sollicitations, avec accès direct et prioritaire aux supports avancés des fournisseurs. Nous possédons un laboratoire interne pour réaliser des tests, reproduire tes incidents et les résoudre rapidement. :

  • Intervention sur site et à distance par des experts certifiés

  • 5/9 coverage and 24/7 supervision

  • Outils de supervision (consommations, volumes) en temps réel

  • Services de maintenance curative, préventive et évolutive

  • Services personnalisés complémentaires

Exploitation & accompagnement personnalisé

Nous gérons l’ensemble des opérations liées à vos données, incluant la sauvegarde, la restauration, les mises à jour logicielles, et l’accompagnement dans la montée en charge des applications. Votre contact unique, assure un suivi global et personnalisé.

Gestion du changement & comité de pilotage

Nos experts mettent en œuvre les meilleures pratiques de gouvernance et accompagnent vos objectifs budgétaires. Des comités de pilotage réguliers permettent d’optimiser en permanence votre architecture.

Solution de réplication et d’hébergement Made in France

Nous vous proposons une solution française avec des équipes basées et opérant exclusivement en France.

Maîtrise budgétaire & ingénierie financière

Adoptez un modèle OPEX avec des redevances facturées au To, offrant une prédictibilité des coûts, une évolutivité et une réversibilité garantie, avec une infrastructure managée sur mesure.

Logistique éprouvée

Nos stocks de pièces détachées sont répartis dans toute la France, garantissant une réactivité optimale.

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échange entre un expert et un client devant un parc informatique

Support utilisateur

The diversification, complexity and hybridization of companies' digital ecosystems mean that their user support systems have to master an ever-increasing number of different technologies, and cope with an ever-growing number of demands.

A single point of contact for multi-point proximity support

To take the headache out of user support, Cyllene has developed "Always-on HelpDesk", an offer that lets you outsource all or part of your support.

Cyllene then becomes the single point of contact for all requests, from both IT and users. Our teams guarantee rapid escalation of your request if it cannot be handled directly.

A user-oriented solution

Notre solution Helpdesk orientée sur l’utilisateur, permet une gestion centralisée du support permettant une haute disponibilité de vos systèmes et de votre parc informatique.

Local service

Cyllene's local service is accustomed to VIP and VOP contexts. It takes charge of local requests or appointments, carries out diagnostics, processes requests or escalates them to the appropriate group. It can also make preventive visits to VIPs on request.

IT kiosk

Cyllene can install an IT kiosk on your site, a real showcase for your IT department. This kiosk

welcomes and guides your employees in their day-to-day needs: local assistance and support, provision of small items of equipment, relaying your IT Department's communications and policies, managing events linked to change management.

DESK service

Cyllene sets up a single IT point of contact to handle your users' requests, locally and remotely. This includes request qualification, diagnosis, direct resolution or escalation to the appropriate group.

Change management

Cyllene implements best practices and supports you in achieving your budgetary objectives. For example, our teams manage the implementation of appropriate workflows for incident, request or problem management.

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membre Cyllene devant son ordinateur

Technical assistance

The diversification, complexity and hybridization of your digital ecosystems mean that your user supports have to master an ever-increasing number of different technologies, and cope with an ever-growing number of demands.

Technical assistance for local, multi-point support

Cyllene's Men@Work offer provides you with the technical support you need, according to a pre-defined schedule, whether your needs are one-off or recurring. Our user-oriented solution provides centralized support management, ensuring high availability of your systems and IT assets.

We select the most suitable profiles, capable of quickly becoming autonomous and operational. An annual training plan is implemented in parallel to meet your changing needs and technologies.

Key assets and characteristics

Cyllene's technical assistance offer is distinguished by its major assets, such as cutting-edge expertise, exemplary responsiveness and other major advantages:

  • Accompagnement et formation continue 

  • Service level model 

  • Pooling resources 

  • TCO optimization 

  • Flat-rate solution 

  • Overflow cell 

  • Shared service 

  • Competence reinforcement 

  • Automation 

  • Technical Assistance 

  • Proximity support 

Provision of resources

  • HR pre-qualification 

  • Operational Maintenance & Testing 

  • Customer interview & validation 

  • Monthly operational monitoring 

Production pool

  • Single point of contact 

  • Full-time delegation 

  • Day-to-day management of your business 

Overflow pool

  • Occasional assignments 

  • Time-sharing assignments 

  • Reinforcing/replacing the production pool 

Personalized support

  • Raising awareness of new processes 

  • Weekly update on skills development 

  • Monthly performance monitoring 

  • Technical Immersion 

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bureaux d'entreprise

Kubernetes containerization training

Kubernetes (K8s) is an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications.

Become a Kubernetes expert

Kubernetes est la solution open-source incontournable pour l’orchestration et la gestion des conteneurs, offrant scalabilité, résilience et automatisation.

Notre formation technique Kubernetes vous permet d’exploiter pleinement la puissance de cet orchestrateur. Conçue pour vous aider à maîtriser les concepts fondamentaux et avancés de Kubernetes, elle vous fournira les compétences nécessaires pour déployer, gérer et optimiser vos applications conteneurisées en toute efficacité.

Discover our special offers Kubernetes


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Maximize your company's efficiency.

Discover the benefits of our IT and web audit solution to strengthen the resilience of your infrastructure and improve your company's online performance. Our precise approach identifies opportunities for improvement, ensuring efficient IT systems management and an optimized web presence.

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The fundamentals of a high-performance, secure IT infrastructure

IT infrastructures play an essential role webmarketing for every company in today's digital world. Far more than mere equipment, they are the essential pillars ensuring an organization's efficiency, innovation and competitiveness. Readmore

IT Infrastructure: Key Points for Optimum Performance

By combining certain elements, a well-designed IT infrastructure can ensure smooth, secure and scalable operations for businesses, while minimizing the risk of disruption. 

  • Enhanced security : Robust security measures, such as firewalls, antivirus software and regular backup policies, are crucial to protecting data from threats.  

  • Reliability and redundancy : Redundant systems and a resilient infrastructure ensure business continuity in the event of hardware failure, thanks to redundant backups and configurations.  

  • Scalability : A flexible infrastructure means that components can be adjusted and upgraded to meet changing business needs.  

  • Optimum performance : Fast networks, sufficient storage capacity and high-performance servers are needed to support operations.  

  • Centralized management : Centralized management of IT resources simplifies operations thanks to unified management tools.  

  • Compatibility and integration : : Ensure compatibility between software, hardware and platforms to ensure smooth operation.  

  • Complying with industry standards and regulations on data security and confidentiality is essential. For example, a optimal and secure storage solution in France for your datas)

  • Support and maintenance : A solid maintenance and support plan, including regular updates and responsive technical support, is essential to prevent breakdowns.  


Success through IT infrastructure

Infrastructures facilitate communication and collaboration by instantly connecting globally dispersed teams. Networks enable rapid exchanges of information, promoting agile, informed decision-making and simplifying complex processes into smooth workflows.  

These infrastructures guarantee data security and confidentiality, crucial in the face of today's cyber threats. Advanced IT infrastructures incorporate robust security protocols to prevent intrusions and protect sensitive information, ensuring business continuity and minimizing the risk of disruption.  

These infrastructures offer the flexibility needed to adapt to technological change. They enable the integration of new technologies, keeping the company at the cutting edge of innovation and responding to market changes.  

Well-maintained infrastructures optimize internal processes, reducing waiting times and inefficiencies. Proactive maintenance prevents costly breakdowns, preserving productivity and profitability. In short, IT infrastructures are much more than technological tools. They are the essential foundation on which to build a company's success and growth in an ever-changing digital world. Investing in solid, adaptable infrastructures is crucial to guaranteeing the competitiveness, security and long-term viability of any organization. 

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